The “Teen Talk on Thursday” Ministry began on April 18th with 5 teenagers and 2 adults.
Dequila Moye, the leader of “Teen Talk on Thursday” was visiting with her son and some other youth one day in April and was asked this question by one of the youth, “Why can’t we have our own Praise and Prayer Worship Time?”
Burdened by the need for a safe place for the youth in her community of McRae and Garner, she contacted Ava Laidler, the assigned pastor of the Garner Church of the Nazarene, and poured out her heart for the teens and their cry.
Pastor Ava invited them to attend the following Sunday night service. At the conclusion of the service, Pastor Ava realized that, due to the present condition of the building, having only one room for all ministries at this present time, something different would have to be done to provide ministry for these teens, who were so hungry for worship and fellowship.
On Monday, Pastor Ava talked to Pastor Randall and asked permission to open the doors to Garner on Thursday evening for the youth of Garner and McRae. Dequila talked with the teens and they were excited that a time had been set and by Thursday, May 18th, the new youth ministry at the Garner Church of the Nazarene was launched.
The news spread and youth began to come. One youth said as she was leaving the building one night, “This is the best church that I have ever attended!” The teenagers are experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit during their Bible Study and Worship. They are becoming more comfortable to pray with each other and God is blessings.
They have decided to spend their summer raises money to repair the building and provide a place of worship for the children so they can bring their siblings on Thursdays also. They have lined up several fundraisers to meet the need for repair and provide funds to feed the youth each week.
Their first fundraiser will be their yard sale at the Searcy Church of the Nazarene on June 1st. We will post each fundraiser so that you will know when and where they will be. 80% of all funds raised, until the goal is met, will go toward the purchase of the materials needed for the building. 20% will go toward the purchase of food and supplies.