WHAT IS “Operation AIR CARE”
In August of 2022, our west air condition unit in the sanctuary stopped working. The SCN trustees were asked to look into the cost of purchasing a new unit. We were blessed to locate a unit that was both cost and energy efficient. The SCN board members voted to not only purchase one unit but two. They were purchased from the building fund account that individuals had been putting money into for several years.
When the air condition man came to look at the units, he suggested that we go ahead and purchase the heating units that matched the new air units. When the trustees looked into this additional cost, they learned, once again, that it would be best if we went ahead and purchased the two that we needed because we could get them at such a low price.
When it was time to change out the units, we discovered that additional items were needed plus the labor for the installation. It has been agreed that the first unit to be replaced will be the west unit. The air condition service man will start working on that part of this project around the first of September.
Operation AIR CARE is what it will cost for the parts and labor for the installation of both units. The SCN board has come up with two ways that you can help us raise this money.
- SCN BUILDING IMPROVEMENT PLEDGES – pledge cards are now available on the table in the foyer. If you desire to make “a one time”, “a 12 month”, or “a 52 week” pledge, simply fill out one of those cards and place it in the offering plate on Sunday or the Blessing Box in the fellowship hall or foyer.
- THE TRI-FOLD ENVELOPES – setting on the foyer table you will also find a tri-fold with envelopes that have a dollar amount written on them. If you do not want to make a year long commitment, you can…
- Select an envelope from the tri-fold with the amount you want to give.
- Put your check or cash in the envelope. (If you put cash in the envelope and you want this amount added to your “end of the year contribution statement” please put your name somewhere on the envelope.)
- place it in the offering plate or one of the blessing boxes.
- GIVING ONLINE – YES, you can give online. We use SERVANT KEEPING ONLINE GIVING. When you log in, type in the amount you would like to give in the box beside “Operation AIR CARE“.
We ask is that you not give your TITHE toward this special offering. TITHE is a very essential part of church giving. Your TITHES are used to pay utilities (electricity, water, and gas), monthly upkeep and maintenance on the church and our vans, church supplies, office supplies, internet, phone service, and, our staff’s salaries. Pledges, offerings, and special gifts are those one gives over and above their TITHE.
We want to thank you for giving toward “Operation AIR CARE”. It is through your giving that God is meeting this need at SCN at this time. If you would like to give online, simply press the button below.