Why do we have a PRIVATE FACEBOOK page?
During a Tuesday morning Bible Study discussion recently, it was brought up that everyone was not receiving information and that we needed better communication within our group. David Drennan suggested that we create a private Facebook page as a way to stay in touch. By being a private group, only those who ask to join or are invited to join can be a part of the conversations that are posted on that page. As a private group, more of our Primetimers can feel free to share with each other and when there is something coming up or someone has a very detailed prayer request or a testimony that they would like to tell the group, they do not have to worry about everyone on Facebook reading what they have shared. And not all that we want to share needs to be made public for everyone outside of our group to read. It is for that reason that we decided to go with a Private Facebook page.
We would like for everyone that is a part of our Tuesday Fellowship to be a part of this Facebook Page. It will help to get information out to the group quicker. The other thing that I like about Facebook is that when something is posted, everyone can comment that wants to comment and all comments posted can be read by the rest of the group. This private page is for our Senior Adults and not the entire church. It is for those who attend on Tuesday, even if they attend another churches.
Better communication is our number one goal! We want to get the word out to each other, through this Facebook page, about what is going on with the Senior Adults in our church. It helps us experience a connection that extends beyond Tuesday. It helps us to get to know each other better. It is a great place to let others know why you are not going to be able to be with the group on Tuesday, whether sickness or doctor’s appointments, or called to go to work. (Most of us are retired and don’t have to worry about work keeping us away.) We can even use this page to let you know what we will be having for lunch or as a reminder about a POTLUCK meal coming up and let the group share what each person plans to bring. (This was so helpful when the women were planning a meal. We all knew that the other person was going to bring.)
If you have not already been invited by someone, follow the steps below…
- Log onto YOUR FACEBOOK page.
- Click on the magnify glass and type SCN PRIMETIMERS.
- Hit the JOIN button and wait to be added to the group. (Sarah Crouse will add you as soon as she sees your request.)
That’s all there is to it! Once you have joined, start sharing and enjoying this special contact with one another. SEE YOU ON THE PAGE and every Tuesday that you can come for Bible Study, Meal, & Fellowship.