SCN Adult Sunday School Class

9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
Have you ever wanted to know more about the meaning behind a passage of Scripture? Have you ever wanted to be a part of a Bible Study that challenges you to read and study the WORD more throughout the week? Then you will want to make a point to attend this class every Sunday Morning!
Come this next Sunday at 9:30, grab a hot breakfast plate prepared by Jason Warren, find a seat, and get ready to be fed physically and spiritually in a very short time.
The class is led by MARK LAIDLER in the Fellowship Hall every Sunday. Everyone from the age of 13 – 100+ is invited to attend the class. The 30 minutes is packed with a deeper understanding of the scripture.
Sometimes Mark is led to share the culture of the day behind the scripture. Other times he is lead to explain, in detail, the person who wrote the passage and the reason behind it. Everyone that sits under his teaching walks away with a new understanding about a passage that they may had read many times in their life.
Come join the class and become a “SEEKER” of the truth found only in God’s WORD. You won’t be disappointed as you learn more than you have ever known about the depth of God’s love through His WORD.